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1st Annual Spring Gathering, May 28, 2016

Many people made it to the thank-you celebration at Chapman Farm on Saturday, May 28th. It was the loveliest possible spring day, and visitors were treated to a number of pleasures.

The day began with an overflow crowd for Coffee & Conversation in the farmhouse. Besides the folks you see here, there were others seated in the hallway. Discussion was lively, as Inn Along the Way president Sherry Flint described the project.

Throughout the day, many people stopped by the model and drawings of the project to talk with architect Rick Burt. He really enjoyed the give-and-take, and hearing people's ideas about the community.

Many visitors took the opportunity to walk the mowed path out to see the pond and find out where the new homes will be located.

The milking shed was the location of fun activities for all ages, as well as homemade goodies and ice cream. In the photo below, board member Stephanie Berry helps some children plant sunflower seeds in pots to take home as a memento of the visit.

Young musicians from the Oyster Creek Fiddlers also entertained everyone with their traditional toe-tapping tunes.

A very fun time was had by all. The Spring Gathering was a great way to celebrate the progress of Inn Along the Way, learn about plans for Chapman Farm, and show the organization's gratitude to its supportive community.

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© Inn Along the Way,  741 Main St., Damariscotta, Maine 04543

(207) 682-0118

Want to know more? Read: 

The INN ALONG THE WAY Model: One Solution for Maine's Older Adults

interdependent [in-ter-dee-pen'-dent]

adjective: mutually dependent; depending  on each other.


respite [res'-pit]

noun: a suspension for a time of a difficult  situation; an interval of relief.

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