The barn at Chapman Farm is ideal for community gatherings, weddings, family parties, memorial services, concerts and dances. Capacity is limited, so be sure to contact us before booking this venue.
Private, for-Profit or Non-profit event rates available
What you need to know:
The Barn is a do-it-yourself venue
Carry-in/carry-out for all trash
Insurance required listing IAW as additionally insured
The Barn is a historic building and there is absolutely no cooking or open flames on the premises
The Barn should be left as you found it
This is a non-smoking campus
Rental of the Barn at Chapman Farm supports IAW’s conservation work and efforts to maintain the Chapman Farm as a unique facility open to the community.
Contact information:
Website: www.innalongtheway.org
Email: info@innalongtheway.org
Phone: 207-751-6261 (Sherry) or 207-682-0118 (IAW)