With Gratitude

We are very thankful for the generosity of Betsey and Tim Norland, who opened their restaurant, The Seagull Shop, for a gala dinner to benefit Inn Along the Way (shown here with Sherry Flint).

We're grateful to the Chapman family for allowing us to purchase their beautiful and historic property, thus making it available to enrich the lives of many people in the years to come.

We're grateful for donors like Mary Irvine (pictured here), whose generous gifts make Inn Along the Way possible. Mary's bequest has resulted in the first "named" cottage to be built at Inn Along the Way: Mary's Cottage.

We're grateful for the more than one hundred community members who have attended our Coffee & Conversation gatherings and expressed curiosity about Inn Along the Way.

We're grateful for volunteers (here, serving customers from the Inn Along the Way food truck -- supplied by Colby & Gale, Inc.-- at Old Bristol Days).

We're grateful for area businesses that support our mission. (Here, president Sherry Flint and board member Tracy Verney accept a contribution from employees at The First.)