You're Invited!

The Inn Along the Way invites you to its first annual Spring Gathering at Chapman Farm on Saturday, May 28th, from 11:00 to 3:00 at 741 Main Street in Damariscotta. Chapman Farm is the property purchased by the nonprofit last December that will become the location of the first Inn Along the Way community. Visitors will be able to tour the house and barns and see the developing plans and models for the houses and hospitality cottages. The festive event is an opportunity for Inn Along the Way to thank the people of Damariscotta and surrounding towns for their interest and support.
For those who would like to participate in an in-depth discussion about the project, the board will host a Coffee & Conversation session at the farmhouse that morning from 9:00 to 10:00 am. President Sherry Flint and other board members will participate in the discussion, along with the project’s architect, Rick Burt.
Tours of the buildings and grounds will begin at 11:00 am. From noon until 2:00, a local group of young musicians, the Oyster Creek Fiddlers, will liven the atmosphere as they play tunes from the Scots Irish and Franco American traditions. Throughout the day, Round Top’s famous ice cream will be served to all visitors, and other home-baked goodies will be available as well.
Although the future housing planned for Chapman Farm will be dedicated to older adults, the Spring Gathering is meant for all ages, in keeping with Inn Along the Way’s commitment to providing hospitality for all.
[Special thanks to artist Bill Hallett for lending his pastoral scene for us in our Spring Gathering posters and publicity.]